Major Benefactors
- Michelle & David Baldacci
- Ballad Health
- Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation
- Food City Charitable Foundation
- Genan Foundation
- The Gerald and Daphna Cramer Foundation
- The Gupta Family Foundation
- Marguerite and William Kanto
- Kiss Carlo Now
- Florence Marchi
- Rotary Club of Englewood
- The Marquez Family Foundation
- The Napoleon Hill Foundation
- The Nora Roberts Foundation
- The Philip L. Graham Fund
- The Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation
- The Slemp Foundation
- J.A. and Barbara Street
- Virginia Commission for the Arts
- Virginia Humanities
- Wish You Well Foundation
- Wize Solutions, LLC
We are deeply grateful to our major benefactors and to all the others who generously support The Origin Project.
Thank you.

General Donation
Thank you for your tax-deductible donation to help our students explore their heritage and find their voices. They will be deeply grateful
for your support.